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Thursday, January 27, 2022

5 Ways to Combine Sales and Marketing to Increase Revenues


5 Ways to Combine Sales and Marketing to Increase Revenues

5 Ways to Combine Sales and Marketing to Increase Revenues

The first step is to become a customer every time you receive a customer. We will not call sales teams immediately. We will sign up for their email newsletter (if any), upload an item, set up a demo, and then wait for the sales team to contact us. We will discuss the opportunity as a leader and try to go through the whole sales cycle with them.

The next step is to ask the marketing team what the sales cycle is like. We look at sales assurance developed by marketing. And then we compare the two. For example, you would be amazed at how many times we see a great brand marketing presentation created for the sales team ... but then 10 minutes before the call, a terrific sales presentation that looks like it was created in a hurry is displayed. Why? Because designed marketing does not work.

This process is not a waste of time - it almost always provides a noticeable gap between the two sides. You may even want to check your process. This is not to say that sales and marketing are not functional, rather each group has different methods and motives. When these gaps occur, the problem is not that marketing is a waste of time ... the sales team does not maximize its resources to support and close sales.

Check the sales and marketing compliance we've published before with questions you can ask your organization. Brian Downard is a co-founder and partner of ELIV8 Business Strategies 5 Ways to Improve Your Sales and Marketing ... for a collective goal to increase revenue.

  1. Content should drive sales, not brand awareness - include your sales team in your content planning to identify opportunities and objections your sales team hears.

  2. Grow your leadership lists strategically - sales are motivated to get fast sales, so they can leave more lucrative marketing paths that can take longer.

  3. Define Selling (SQL) Criteria - Marketing often pushes each registry forward, but online marketing often creates a lot of unqualified potentials.

  4. Create a Service Level Agreement between Sales and Marketing - your marketing department should treat your sales team as your customer, and even research how they serve sales.

  5. Update your sales pitch and presentation - Invest in a sales asset management system that tests and measures the latest marketing materials.

    5 Ways to Combine Sales and Marketing to Increase Revenues

There are additional things you can do to adapt your sales and marketing. Sharing key performance indicators (KPIs), such as job opportunities created and closed/earned with relevant sales and marketing touchpoints, can help you see which strategies perform best. You may even want to publish a shared dashboard to track progress and reward teams when they reach their goals.

5 Ways to Combine Sales and Marketing to Increase Revenues

Always make sure that sales and Marketing management have a common vision and sign each other's plans. Some companies also hire a Chief Revenue Officer to ensure compliance.

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